Advantage Sale & CF Bull Sale Nomination Criteria
The new year is upon us and so is the time to begin delivering and preparing bulls for the next year's bull sale season. As in the past, we will be growing and developing the bulls at Landair Inc. / Brown Ranch down in Beeville, Texas. Austin and his family have been doing an outstanding job growing the bulls and trying to keep the costs as low as possible given the drastic rise in commodities and input costs.
This year, Landair is accepting bulls for both the Collier Farms Performance Bull Sale and the Advantage Plus bull sales between January 3, 2023 and January 23,2023. He is also accepting Live Oak BBA bulls at this time as well, for those who have eligible bulls, for that test. Anyone wanting to nominate/consign bulls to the test and sale, needs to contact Austin in advance to make arrangements for delivery. DO NOT ARRIVE UNANNOUNCED! Additionally, please make sure that you contact myself, Trey Scherer, with all the necessary information we need to get your bull in the system and to make sure he qualifies. The qualifications can be found below. Emailed copies of your certificates to me would be preferred.
As in years past, we are expecting the quality and competition to be extremely strong. Please send only your best bulls to be nominated. Feed costs are high and Landair has limited space for bulls. Only the best from each group will make the sale and you don't want to get a lot of money tied up in a bull that doesn't have a good shot at making the sale. Please keep in mind phenotypic qualities and also growth rates. If your bull isn't weighing about 2lbs. per day of age (WDA) he is probably too far behind to make the cut. Thin, small, and unsound bulls will be cut immediately and we don't want to upset anyone or have them turn right around to go pick up their bull.
Times are looking great for the cattle business and prices in 2023 should be outstanding. The Beefmaster breed is poised for continued growth and a larger share of the commercial bull market. Let's continue to work together to produce both the best Beefmaster bulls on the market and the kind of genetics that will advance the beef industry into a very competitive protein market.
Trey Scherer
2023 CFPBS and 2024 Advantage Plus Bull Sale Requirements
- All bulls be from Advantage Program qualifying genetics (Collier Farms)
- All bulls be red or red mottled underline in color - no black, brindle, dun, paint or other odd colored bulls. Small star face will be -considered.
- All bulls are registered upon delivery and certificates provided
- All bulls have a matching ear tag that is EXACTLY the same ID as on BBU certificate. A birth date on bottom of tag under ID is preferred.
- All bulls must have a legible brand or ear tattoo with ID number. Holding brands are preferred by Landair staff.
- All bulls have been DNA sampled and submitted to BBU. We will not sample and submit for you. Bulls must have a valid DNA profile by April weigh off.
- All bulls have complete EPD's
- All bulls have an official BBU adjusted 205 WW of 525 or greater
- All bulls have birthweights less than 95 pounds - BW is NOT required
- All bulls will be scanned by test and sale staff at Landair. That is not required to be done prior to arrival.
- All bulls be born between late September 2021 and April 1, 2022.
- All bulls must be cleanly dehorned with no protruding regrowth. Bulls having such may be trimmed by sale staff and charges will be made to consignor.
- No wild or aggressive bulls will be tolerated. They will be cut immediately.
- Please check feet, legs, testicles, and underlines closely. Any long toes, screw claw, small scrotal circumference or bad underlines will be cut immediately.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email me to discuss the animals before delivery. It is highly recommended you submit a picture or video of the bull prior to delivery unless it has been pre-screened by myself, Bruce Robbins or Anthony Mihalski.
Trey Scherer (979) 203-1656
Landair Inc.
Austin Brown III (361) 597-0373